What is the Taylor Park PAC?
The Taylor Park PAC (Parent’s Advisory Committee) represents all the families of Taylor Park Elementary in discussions with the school. We are the unified voice of the parents for the school administration. We work together to make improvements in the school environment.
Who is a member of the PAC?
All parents or guardians of a child attending Taylor Park are automatically members of the PAC. That means you have a vote at all the meetings!
What is the PAC Executive?
The PAC Executive is a group of parents who build the PACs budgets, hosts meetings and organises PAC events and fundraisers. The Exec presents the budget and all spending resolutions throughout the year at regularly scheduled PAC meetings throughout the school year.
What are some of the things the PAC has funded?
COVID-19 has limited many of the in-person community events and fundraisers that the PAC can do. Despite that, we still have successfully funded the many initiatives this school year. Here is a sample:
$1,400 to assist in Classroom supplies for teachers..
Contributed $12k towards the school-wide Indigneous Art project
Funded $2000 of Sports Equipment.
Helped fund bringing the pumpkin patch to Taylor Park for all the kids to enjoy.
Funded the 2021 Pancake breakfast
Contributed $2,000 towards the Grade 7 Leaving Events.
Helped upgrade the broken sound system in the gym.
That the PAC contribute $2.5k towards a replacement audio console for the gy
And there’s still so much to do!
In addition to many of the initiatives your PAC supports on a regular basis, next year we would like to fundraise for the long awaited jerseys that our sports teams are badly in need of.
We need your help!
The PAC needs people to function. Currently we only have two people on the PAC Exec running for positions for the next year school year. Without more people the PAC won’t be able to do any significant fundraising or host any events for the kids (like movie night, multicultural days, etc).
How to join:
If you’d like to joining the PAC Exec or simply learn more about it, email us or even better, come to the PAC General Meeting via Zoom on Thursday, May 26th at 7pm.
So please come join the PAC Exec! It’s a great way to meet other parents, get the inside track about what’s happening at your school, and most importantly help Taylor Park continue to be a great place for kids to grow!
What are the positions on the PAC Exec:
Chairs P.A.C. meetings
Calls and chairs executive meeting
Ensures that an agenda is prepared
Makes sure that meetings are conducted in an orderly fashion
Ensures that Council activities are aimed at achieving the purposes set out in the constitution
Assists the Chair where necessary
Chairs P.A.C. meetings when the Chair cannot attend
Keeps accurate minutes and attendance records at meetings
Makes minutes available prior to monthly council meetings
Keeps accurate records of funds, receipts and expenditures
Follows guidelines for finances outlined in the constitution
Provides a report at each P.A. C. meeting
Attends meetings of Burnaby DPAC and, speaks and votes on behalf of the Council
Attends meetings of Burnaby DPAC and, speaks and votes on behalf of the Council
